12 August 2007

Unemployed... Free!

You know, I never realised when I was a student just how fantastic it is to be able to lie in bed until 9am. I took it for granted that weekends would be free. Then I started work as a Doctor. Enough said really.

But now I've finally decided to leave - no, as you know I decided to take a break to go traveling a long time ago - now I've finally gone and left work its amazing how much more life I seem to have. It was the most liberating (and scary) feeling in the world to turn down those jobs I didn't really want! And now its so nice just to go for a walk into town on a sunny day. I can see friends, go home to Wales, go on holiday when I want to rather than scrabbling to get leave with medical staffing. And best of all, no bleeps!

Now I've got other projects of course:
  • Arranging the world trip
  • Seeing people I haven't seen in ages
  • Playing guitar (trying to finally get a few songs down definitively)
  • Submitting papers
  • Teaching undergrads
  • Looking after Gary (the poor dab's on nights at the moment)
  • Trying to decide what the hell I'm going to do when I get back

which are all great - I can choose what I want to do when I want to do it. But to be honest, in some ways I feel as if I'm living on borrowed time while I haven't got a job. Do you think this feeling of freedom will last? Answers on a post-card please!

I'm going to start trying to fit the trip around the world together in a bit more detail over the next few weeks now that I've got the time. I'd really like to know if any of you would like to join me - or do specific things. If you would, comment on this post. I might also start a random pictures gallery for entertainment value...